Case Study: Campus Expansion

The Opportunity
To meet growing demand, a global drugmaker secured approval for the expansion of their campus. A research building with 336,000 CFM of exhaust air and 348,000 CFM of supply air was approved for construction. Spread over seven 48,000 CFM Exhaust Heat Recovery Units (HRUs) with an eight backup HRU and nine supply air handling units in two expansion phases (6 AHUs in phase 1 and 3 AHUs in phase 2), the project posed a challenge for energy recovery.

The Solution
Heat Pipe Technology’s SMART Water-Glycol system allows up to 18 air handling units to be managed with one skid.
With design consideration for both backup and future units, HPT’s solution provided the project engineers with an easy go-to solution for their energy recovery needs.
Our solution allowed for the preheating of 0°F outside air to 41.9°F using 72°F exhaust on phase 1 of the project. Our best-in-class energy recovery performance allowed for over 75% reduction in the load requirements for the boiler systems, saving over 10 million BTU/hr on the winter design day for phase 1 and over 13 million BTU/hr on the winter design day for phase 2.

The Conclusion
With strict vibration requirements due to the proximity of a vivarium to the skid location, HPT provided vibration analysis results to the project team.
With state-of-the art runaround glycol performance selection and industry-leading controls, the SMART Water Glycol system is the right solution for you. For quick turnaround solutions to your energy recovery needs, reach out to