HPT Heat Pipes Reduce the Cooling Load at a Data Center in Washington State by 18,870 MMBtu Annually
Heat Pipe Technology recently secured a new order for 12 over-under energy recovery modules (HRM-Os) for a large data center application located in Washington state. The Data Center project was broken into 3 phases, with energy recovery heat pipes used in phases II & III. In the first phase of the project, an energy recovery wheel was used to reject heat from the space. The overall installation of the equipment left the owner unhappy, so alternatives were considered for phases II and III.
The 12 over-under energy recovery modules will be installed inside of a 75,000 CFM AHU. The data center will operate 24/7 all year round processing 100% of the recirculated indoor air. The air will enter the system at a constant 93°F DB and will be resupplied to the space at 70°F DB. The heat pipes will assist by precooling the 93°F return air just before the DX coil in the lower section of the unit and reject the heat captured to the ambient outside air in the upper section, thereby lowing the cooling load of the DX system. For 97% of the runtime hours throughout the year, the heat pipes are actively precooling the return air and are providing 100% of the cooling load for 42% of those runtime hours. Overall, the addition of the over-under heat pipe system provides 11,870 MMBtu of energy saving all year round.
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Heat Pipe Technology Conducts Rep Training at Its Tampa, FL Facility
Heat Pipe Technology is committed to serving all its customers and strives to ensure that all its representatives are up to speed on the latest products and developments. Recently, HPT conducted one of its two annual rep training session during the second week of April. The in- house training was a huge success and allowed reps the opportunity to ask questions, tour the manufacturing facility, and see heat pipes being made first hand.
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HPT Provides a Webinar on the Latest Developments in Heat Pipe Technology
If you missed the March 2018 webinar, you can still catch all the updates by clicking the link below. During the webinar, Senior V.P. of Sales & Marketing, Mazen Awad, gave a quick overview of all the updates and improvements that have come through from HPT's extensive research and development. Some of the topics discussed are as follows.
- New split passive guidelines and performance
- New enhanced wrap-arounds
- New controllable wrap-around guidelines with fewer valves
- Increased gap and fin length for energy recovery heat pipes
- Other miscellaneous improvements and advancements
April 2018 - In This Issue:
HPT Reduces Cooling Load at a Data Center in Washington State by 11,870 MMBtu Annually
Annual Rep Training held at Tampa, FL Facility
HPT Provides a Webinar on the Latest Developments in Heat Pipe Technology
Providing Energy Saving Solutions to The World Market
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This newsletter is a service of HPT, Inc. It is meant to familiarize users with heat pipe technology, and how to select heat pipe systems using SelectPlus™ design software.
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Click here to read more about the HRM™ Series and our *NEW* HRM-Z™ model
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